Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Nintendo Wii - Wii for Victory!

Starting with its unconventional name Streamx its innovative controller, the Nintendo Wii comes loaded with every unique feature to make it a stand apart installing streamyx console. The device has been a huge success amongst the gaming fraternity, and such is the furore the makers of the celebrated Xboxs and PSPs fear a run for their money.

Measuring 8.5 inches long by malaysia forum inches Dsl Speed and being less than 2 inches thick, the Nintendo Wii comes with sharp, clean contours, with an Apple like glossy white finish. Which means, it not only makes a stylish appearance but also is quite compact. Another appreciated feature of Nintendo Wii is its angled plastic stand. With this, the gaming console can Download Speed Test oriented horizontally or vertically (something that the big player Play station 3 and Xbox 360 fails to deliver).

The Nintendo Wii comes with a set of impressive controls. They are designed to suit both left handed and right handed players. The controls include a Wii Remote and a Nunchuk--a joystick-style controller that connects to the remote for additional game control. The Wii Remote works for games within a radius of about 30 feet and functions as a cursor-type pointing device within about 15 feet. Also, the remote offers a great tactile feedback. The Wii Remote also contains a control for adjusting force feedback, a built-in speaker, a broadband dsl service strap, and four blue LED lights that indicate which player/controller number you've been assigned.

Downloading games from the online world is like a breeze, and the user friendly interface makes the experience of Nintendo Wii more pleasurable. A noteworthy feature of this gaming console is its "sleepless" WiiConnect24 service. Through this, the console automatically downloads information, even when it's on standby. Another feature worth a notice is its Virtual console. Here, gamers are allowed to download and play games from past consoles such as the Nintendo 64, NES, Super NES, Sega Fast Dsl and TurboGrafx16. Nintendo will offer 12 classic console games at launch, including Donkey Kong (NES), SimCity (SNES), Super Mario 64, Sonic the streamyx broadband speed test (Genesis), and Bomberman '93 (TurboGrafx16).

Nintendo Wii is a gaming console for the masses. It is easy to understand, easy to use and quite affordable. So, for first time gamers, this console would sure prove an addiction.

Raina Kelsey is a gadget expert and writes about the latest gadgets in the market.

Nintendo Wii Consoles
Video Game Consoles

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